Custom Card Types
Under Construction
This documentation is actively being developed.
In addition to customizing individual parts of a Title Card like the text, styling, and font, TitleCardMaker is designed to support multiple different types of Title Cards. These different types vary in more fundamental ways such as layout, text placement, and additional features.
There are three different categories of card types:
- Built-in
Card types developed by yours truly and shipped as part of TitleCardMaker. These types are typically the most thoroughly tested and support all the features of TitleCardMaker.
- User-made
Cards developed by users of TCM who have taken the effort to make these available for others. These cards are not officially maintained, and so are not guaranteed to support all features. These are downloaded while TCM is running from the card types repository.
- Local
Cards as Python files that exist on your local machine and are only available to yourself. These are read and loaded dynamically when TCM launches (and periodically after that). These can be used to test cards as they are being developed, but do require a little but of Python knowledge.
Built-in Cards
TitleCardMaker currently has the following built-in card types:
User-made Cards
Local Cards
The details of developing local card types is described here.