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Negative Space Card Type

This card design was created by CollinHeist, and is based the video transitions in this video by Not David.

Example Negative Space Card
Labeled Card Elements

Labeled Negative Space Card Elements

Text Positioning

The overall position of both the episode/numeral and title text can be set to the left or right side of the image. This is controlled with the Text Side extra. This can be set to left, right, or random. If set to random, then TCM will randomly select a side when the Card is generated.


Episode Text Adjustments

In the Negative Space card, the episode text is the large numeral which is positioned on the side of the image.


The color of the episode text can be adjusted with the Episode Text Color extra. If unspecified, it defaults to matching the font color.



The size of the episode text can be adjusted with the Episode Text Font Size extra. Values above 1.0 increase the size of the text, and values below 1.0 decrease it.



Horizontal Shift

The horizontal position of the episode/numeral text can be adjusted with the Episode Text Horizontal Shift extra. Positive values shift the episode text towards the opposite side of the card, and negative ones shift it out.

TCM uses a different base horizontal offset for the number based on the first number of the episode text. For example - the number 14 (starting with 1) will be positioned slightly differently than 61 (starting with 6).


Vertical Shift

The vertical position of the episode/numeral text can be adjusted with the Episode Text Vertical Shift extra. Positive values shift the episode text down, and negative values shift it up.


Title Text Horizontal Shift

The horizontal position of the title text can be adjusted with the Title Text Horizontal Shift extra.


Mask Images

This card also natively supports mask images. Like all mask images, TCM will automatically search for alongside the input Source Image in the Series' source directory, and apply this atop all other Card effects.


<div class="image-compare example-card" data-starting-point="14.25" data-left-label="Mask Image"

data-right-label="Resulting Title Card">
<img src="../assets/negative_space/mask-raw.webp"/>
<img src="../assets/negative_space/mask.webp"/>