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Creating Templates

Templates are a critical component of quickly customizing your TitleCardMaker setup. A Template contains a set of customized settings, and any number of Templates can be assigned to a Sync, Series, or Episode.

For this tutorial we'll be creating a Template, and in a later step we'll apply this automatically with a Sync.

Setting Priority

Template settings always take priority over any global settings, unless the Template value is unset - i.e. left blank.

  1. Navigate to the Template page by clicking Templates from the side navigation bar.

  2. Create a new Template by clicking the Create New Template button.

  3. Expand the created Template by clicking the accordion called "Blank Template".

  4. Rename the Template "Tinted Frame"

  5. Under "Card Settings" change the card type to "Tinted Frame".

    Don't see Tinted Frame?

    If you added this card type to your global list of excluded card types then it will not appear. I recommend removing it and continuining with the tutorial.

  6. Scroll down to "Translations and Extras" and find the tab labeled "Tinted Frame".

  7. Find the input labeled "Bottom Element" enter the value as logo.

    What are Extras?

    Extras are a way of overriding or customizing specific components of a Title Card. Extras are typically card type specific - and in this case the Tinted Frame card allows changing the bottom element to a Logo (from the season and episode text).

    Below most extras is a tooltip which often describes the available options and default value for that extra. If you want more detail, or a specific example, refer to the card's documentation.

  8. Hit Save Changes.

Template Created

You have now successfully created a Template. When applied, this will set the card type to the Tinted Frame card, and use a logo in the bottom element.

We'll use this later in the tutorial.