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Docker Compose

Pre-Release Instructions

These instructions are not applicable while TCM is in pre-release. Please refer to here.

Benefits of Docker

For more info on the benefits of Docker, see here.

Below is a reference Docker compose snippet which can be modified to launch TitleCardMaker via docker -compose up. Lines which should be reviewed and modified are highlighted.

version: '2' # Or 3
    image: 'collinheist/titlecardmaker:latest' # (1)!
    container_name: TitleCardMaker
    network_mode: bridge
      - '"/docker/titlecardmaker/":/config/:rw' # (2)!
      - PGID=99 # (3)!
      - PUID=100 # (4)!
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles # (5)!
      - '4242:4242'
    restart: unless-stopped
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
    # (6)!
    # depends_on:
    #   - sonarr
    #   - plex
    #   - emby
    #   - jellyfin
  1. Choose :latest or :develop. For most users, I recommend the default latest branch. See here for details.

  2. Change "/docker/titlecardmaker" to your install directory and leave the /config/:rw part as-is.

  3. Change this to your group ID. Likely the same GID as your Media Server or Sonarr container(s).

  4. Change this yo your user ID. Likely the same GID as your Media Server or Sonarr container(s).

  5. Change this to your timezone. See here in the TZ Identifier column for a reference list.

  6. Uncomment these lines as needed if you want the TitlecardMaker container to be dependant upon these services (for a cleaner boot).