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Rescheduling Tasks

TitleCardMaker runs all core tasks on schedulable intervals. The default intervals for each task is typically sufficient for most use-cases, but TCM allows these to be adjusted to any arbitrary interval.

For this part of the tutorial, we'll be adjusting the interval for how often all Syncs are run.

  1. Navigate to the Scheduler page by clicking Setings, then :fontawesome-solid-stopwatch Scheduler from the side navigation bar.

  2. Find the task description that reads "Run all defined Syncs, adding any new Series".

  3. In the "Frequency" column, replace the existing 6 hours text with 4 hours 30 minutes 20 seconds.

    Why this interval?

    This is a completely arbitrary interval, and was chosen just to show how any different interval units can be utilized.

  4. Click the Save Changes button.


You have now successfully change the execution interval for a Task within TCM. This exact procedure can be followed to change any Task interval.