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For most users the default Settings can be left as-is with the exception of the Episode Data Source and Image Source Priority settings, which must be set. If you'd like to adjust these, additional detail can be found here.

I also recommend clicking through the various options of the Default Card Type dropdown and picking your favorite style. The most popular choices are the Tinted Frame and Standard.

For the purposes of this tutorial, the following settings are recommended:

Recommended Settings

Setting Recommended Value
Episode Data Source Sonarr
Image Source Priority TMDb Plex Emby Jellyfin1
Enable Specials Unchecked
Delete Missing Episodes Checked
Delete Un-Synced Series Unchecked
Delete Series Source Images Unchecked
Default Card Type Personal Preference
Excluded Card Types Personal Preference
Watched Episode Style Unique
Unwatched Episode Style Personal Preference
Card Dimensions 3200x18002
Card Quality 95
ImageMagick Executable See note[^3]
Card Directory /config/cards/
Source Directory /config/source/
Filename Format {series_full_name} - S{season_number:02}E{episode_number:02}
Card Extension .webp
Specials Folder Format Specials
Season Folder Format Season
Multi-Library File Naming Unchecked
Setting Recommended Value
Episode Data Source Sonarr
Image Source Priority TMDb Plex Emby Jellyfin1
Enable Specials Unchecked
Delete Missing Episodes Checked
Delete Un-Synced Series Unchecked
Delete Series Source Images Unchecked
Default Card Type Personal Preference
Excluded Card Types Personal Preference
Watched Episode Style Unique
Unwatched Episode Style Personal Preference
Card Dimensions 3200x18002
Card Quality 95
ImageMagick Executable See note[^3]
Card Directory ./config/cards/
Source Directory ./config/source/
Filename Format {series_full_name} - S{season_number:02}E{episode_number:02}
Card Extension .webp
Specials Folder Format Specials
Season Folder Format Season
Multi-Library File Naming Unchecked

If you are not using Sonarr, then you will need to change your Episode Data Source setting to either TMDb or your Media Server.

  1. Only include the Connections which you are personally using. 

  2. Feel free to reduce this to some ratio of 16:9 (e.g. 1600:900) if you want to save storage space (at the minor cost of image fidelity). Increasing this is not recommended.