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Server Logs

TitleCardMaker keeps all log files for the system in the config/logs directory - however, you can also access, view and filter these files within the UI by clicking the small green server button in the top right of the UI. It is also accessible at the /logs URL.

Logs Page Logs Page

This page will display an interactive table of all recent log messages, all your current log files, and a summary of any recent "Internal Server Errors."

Purpose of Logs

The purpose of this page is to provide you with a quick way to view and filter logs, it is not a replacement for the actual log files. If you are debugging a problem, it is often better to just view the raw log files.

Log Messages


There are a variety of filter options available to narrow down which log messages are displayed. All filters are optional.

After editing any filters, you will need to refresh the log table by clicking Refresh logs.


You can enter any text in the Message Contains input text box to filter out logs which do not contain that text. This is case-insensitive.

You may filter messages with "or" logic by entering pipe-separated (|) text. For example, Breaking Bad|Better Call Saul will filter messages which contain either "Breaking Bad" or "Better Call Saul".

Context IDs

TCM applies a "context ID" to most operations performed via the UI and internally. This ID is a pseudo-random hexstring like 0f5ce2 and is intended to make filtering out irrelevant logs easier by looking at the messages for one specific operation.

You may enter any number of comma-separated context IDs into the Context IDs text box to filter messages associated with those contexts.

Table Interaction

To easily add a given ID as a filter, simply click on the ID in the log table. This will add the ID to your current filters.

Some messages do not have an ID.

Date Range

Logs can also be filtered between a start and end time. All log messages outside this range will be excluded. Clicking either the Start Date or End Date inputs will open a calendar selector in which you can narrow down your time range.

The calendar selectors are just aids, and times can be manually entered if desired.

Table Interaction

To easily add a date as the start or end of a date range filter, you can click the Timestamp cell in the log table. This will add the selected date as the current start time, or end time (if start time is populated).

Log Level

This is often the most critical filter. All log messages are categorized in a level of either Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, or Critical. Setting the filter at a specific level will not display messages of lower priority than that level.

Table Interaction

Clicking a Level cell in the log table will set that log level as the current filter level.

In addition to the filter interactions described above, TCM will also dynamically parse the log messages themselves to create links to the relevent content. For example, a message containing Series[1] would dynamically become a link to the page for the Series with an ID of 1. These links can be clicked to navigate to the relevant page.

API Logs

If you are troubleshooting a specific issue, it can be useful to find the start and end of the operation. TCM will log the start of all API requests with a message like:

Starting POST "/api/cards/key"

and will end it with a message like:

Finished in 8683.2ms

The specific API endpoint and time will obviously vary depending on your situation, but typically finding the start and then filtering by that operation's Context ID is a good place to begin.

Log Files

Below the table of log messages will be a table of all log files created by TCM. By default, TCM keeps log files for up to 7 days - however, this can be adjusted with an environment variable.

You can click the Download cell to download the associated log file.

TCM will cycle log files every 24 hours or 24.9 MB so they can be shared on Discord without Nitro.

Internal Server Errors

When an unexpected error occurs within TCM, this usually indicates a bug. To make creating bug reports easier, TCM will list all past internal server errors on the Logs page.

Clicking the GitHub icon will open a new tab on the TCM GitHub page with an issue form pre-filled with some of the applicable information. It will also download a .zip file of the relevant logs, for including in the issue.