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Setting Priority

TitleCardMaker allows for specification of settings in a tiered system of increasing specificity. This means that many settings can be specified in multiple places, and TCM will only choose the highest priority option when actually taking actions.

There are two "levels" under which settings are evaluated - these are on the Series- and Episode-level. In general these are pretty self explanatory - for example: the Episode Data Source setting is only evaluated per-Series (because an individual Episode cannot have a separate data source); while a Card setting like Font color is evaluated per-Episode.

The following priority is listed below in ascending order, meaning elements at the top of the list will always take priority of those below them.

Tip to Remember Priority

Rather than referring to or remembering the following list, it's easiest to remember that settings are overwritten in increasing specificity. Meaning the more specific a setting, the higher priority.

  1. Episode extras
  2. Episode Template extras
  3. Series extras
  4. Series Template extras
  5. Episode settings
  6. Episode Named Font settings
  7. Episode Template settings1
  8. Series settings
  9. Series Named Font settings
  10. Series Template settings1
  11. Global Template settings1
  12. Global settings
  13. Card-type default settings

  1. This includes any Named Font assigned to the Template.