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Optional Step

This step is completely optional, and only those with Jellyfin media servers should continue.

As a Media Server, Jellyfin can serve as an Episode Data Source, Image Source, and as a location where Title Cards are uploaded to.

  1. Under the Jellyfin section, click the Add Connection button.

  2. Give this Connection some descriptive name - e.g. Jellyfin - and enter the root URL to your Jellyfin server including the port.

    Example URL

    Although your local IP address will obviously be different, this IP should be like

  3. Open the Jellyfin WebUI, and open your server settings by clicking the hamburger icon in the top left.

  4. Scroll to the bottom, click Dashboard, and then open Api Keys under Advanced.

  5. Click the + icon, and enter the name TitleCardMaker.

  6. Copy the created key, it should be a 32-character long string of numbers and the letters between A and F.

  7. Back within TitleCardMaker, paste the API key from Step 6 into the API key input box and then click Create. TCM will reload the page.

  8. After the page has reloaded, expand the Connection form you just created and select the username of the account you would like Episode watch-statuses to be queried from.

  9. Click Save Changes.

The above process can be repeated for as many Emby Media Servers as you have. I do recommend specifying a unique name for each Connection so they can be easily distinguished within the UI.