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The Movie Database

Optional Step

This step is technically optional, but is strongly recommended for all users.

The Movie Database (hereafter referred to as TMDb for brevity) is a free, publicly accessible database which can serve as an Episode Data Source, and is the recommended Image Source due to the much higher quality (and wider selection) of images compared to the Media Servers. It is also the only Connection which can provided Episode translations, Series logos1, backdrops, and posters.

  1. Under the TMDb section, click the Add Connection button.

  2. Click the external link icon next to API Key and open the TMDb Getting Started page.

  3. Follow their instructions to generate an API key for yourself. You can put whatever you'd like in the application details (such as TCM, nunya, etc.). Copy the generated API key.

    Security Warning

    Keep this API key private, as it can be used to submit API requests on your behalf (although there's no real danger to your TMDb account - I mean who would steal a free API key?).

  4. Paste your API key into the API Key input box.

  5. Enter your desired minimum image resolution. This is personal preference based on your own quality threshold of images - I personally use 800x400. If you truly don't care about image quality, you can enter 0x0.

    What if there are no images above this threshold?

    If none of the available images are above both the minimum width and height you specify, then TCM will move to the next Connection in your global Image Source Priority.

    Threshold Application

    This threshold only applies to automatically-gathered Source Images. Logos, posters, and Source Images selected manually via the UI have no minimum resolution.

  6. Check Ignore Localized Images so that TCM rejects Source Images which have assigned languages2.

  7. Click Create.

  8. After the page has reloaded, and if you speak any non-English languages, select these in the order you which TCM to grab logos in.

    Example and Recommendation

    Selecting English and Japanese as the only two options, this will prompt TCM to search for logos in English first, and then Japanese if no English logos are available.

    This is recommended for users who have Anime libraries.

  1. Technically, Emby and Jellyfin can provide logos as well, however their logos are not browsable. 

  2. For more details, see here