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Welcome to TitleCardMaker

Under Construction

This documentation is actively being developed.

TitleCardMaker (TCM) is a program and Docker container written in Python that automates the creation of customized Title Cards for use in personal media server services like Plex, Jellyfin, or Emby.

What is a Title Card?

A Title Card is a thumbnail image for an Episode of television that can be used to add a unique look within a personal media server like Plex, Emby, or Jellyfin. Some Series have "official" Title Cards featured in the Episode itself, but TCM specializes in creating and customizing "unofficial" Title Cards. The following Cards have all been designed by me, and were created with TitleCardMaker:

Download the Code

While the TCM Web UI is under active development, it is only accessible to project Sponsors. If you are interested, sponsor on GitHub for access.

Installation and startup instructions are here.


After the initial install, if you would like to update to the latest version of TCM, then you need to do the following:

  1. Navigate to your original install directory - like so:

    cd ~/My/Install/Diretory/TitleCardMaker-WebUI
  2. Switch to the branch you would like to be on - this is main or develop:

    git checkout main
  3. Pull in the newest changes:

    git pull
  4. If you are using Docker, then remove the old container, before re-building and running (see here).

    docker container rm TitleCardMaker
  5. If you are not using Docker, just re-launch the container.

    pipenv install
    pipenv run uvicorn app-main:app --host "" --port 4242

Getting Started

Detailed Tutorial

For more detailed tutorials that take you step-by-step through the installation and setup of TitleCardMaker, continue to the Getting Started tutorial.

TitleCardMaker is designed to for an easy "out of the box" setup. The basic steps are as follows:

  1. Install TitleCardMaker (via Docker or locally).

  2. Set up your Connections to your other services - such as Sonarr, TMDb, Plex, Emby, Jellyfin, or Tautulli.

  3. Start adding Series to TitleCardMaker - this can be done manually, or with Syncs.

  4. Customize the look and style of Title Cards to your liking.